Værdi låst i Defi holder linjen på $50 mia, Efter midlertidigt at tabe $8 mia. i midten af ​​marts

The total value locked (TVL) i decentral økonomi (defi) during the first week of April is about $50 milliard, roughly the same as on March 1. The value locked dropped to $42 billion on March 12 but has since rebounded as

Apples godkendelsesproces forsinker Uniswaps mobilapplancering; Firmaet lancerer begrænset prøveversion

marts 3, 2023, Uniswap Labs, the firm behind the decentralized exchange Uniswap, announced the launch of a limited early-release application through Apple’s Testflight program. The company stated that the limited release was due to Apple not granting approval for the

Beslutningsbaseret Vestbørs opstår, Sigter mod at demokratisere evige fremtider

A new decentralized exchange (dex) on Arbitrum, called Vest Exchange, was announced this past weekend, and the team that created the project said the platform aims to focus on democratizing perpetual futures. The team behind Vest further detailed that the new

Hacker stjæler $6.9 Millioner fra arbitrum-baseret Defi-protokol Lodestar Finance

Arbitrum-based lending platform Lodestar Finance was exploited on Dec. 10, 2022, according to a tweet from the project’s Twitter account on Saturday. Community reports detail that Lodestar lost roughly $6.9 million from the vulnerability. Lodestar Finance Loses $6.9 Million in an

L2 Scaling Solution Arbitrum implementerer Nitro Rollup Stack Migration

Lag to (L2) skaleringsløsning Arbitrum afslørede onsdag, at teamet har implementeret projektet’s Nitro rollup stak migration. Tidligere på måneden, Arbitrum-udviklere bemærkede, at Nitro-migreringen ville reducere netværksgebyrer og forbedre gennemstrømningen. Arbitrum Developers Implement

Værdi låst i Defi svulmer af $7 Milliard, Trons TVL Spikes 34.85%, Ethereum dominerer med 62%

Efter at have trykket på a 2022 lav af $70 milliarder i juni 19, den samlede værdi låst (TVL) i decentral økonomi (defi) er steget med mere end $7 milliard. I løbet af de sidste syv dage, TVL in defi afholdt inden for Ethereum blockchain…

Terra Collapse fortsætter med at plage Defi — Værdi låst i Cross-Chain Bridges Down 20% Denne måned

Following the aftermath of the Terra blockchain fiasco, decentral finansiering (defi) continues to feel the impact of the projects fallout. During the last four days the total value locked (TVL) in defi has dropped 2.61% i værdi, and cross-chain bridges have

Værdi låst i decentraliserede finansdias 17% Lavere over det sidste 30 Dage

The value locked in decentralized finance (defi) protocols has lost 17.77% over the last 30 dage, falling from $221.67 billion to today’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta $182.27 milliard. i øvrigt, statistics show the total value locked (TVL) across a broad range of defi protocols shed significant

Layerzero Labs sikrer $135 Millioner til styrkelse af tværkædeinteroperabilitet

Layerzero Labs, firmaet bag interoperabilitetsprotokollen Layerzero, har afsløret, at virksomheden har rejst $135 million i en serie A+ finansrunde ledet af Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), FTX Ventures, og Sequoia Capital. Den nye finansiering bringer Layerzero Labs’ overall valuation

'100x lavere end L1-gebyrer' - Alchemy integrerer Ethereum L2-produktet Starknet for at øge Web3-skalerbarheden

According to the startup Starkware, holdet’s Ethereum layer two (L2) service Starknet has been integrated by the blockchain API and node service Alchemy. Developers can now leverage Alchemys infrastructure tools alongside Starknets zero-knowledge (ZK) rollup technology. Israel-Based Startup Starkware Partners